We don’t want discussions about legal fees to be awkward. We want each client to believe they received valuable services at a reasonable cost. Our SpringLaw
Client Value Manifesto brings together our key pillars of providing substantive value. We know that cost is always a practical factor informing that value.
Our lawyers and staff work as a team, to help push work to the right level and billable rate. The more complex a legal issue, the more senior level professional will deal with the matter, to ensure the right level of expertise is applied to your workplace issues.
Call any of us directly if you have any questions about how we bill or how much a matter will cost. Typically, we bill clients in the first week of the month for the work performed during the previous month. Payment is due upon receipt of an invoice, and can be paid directly online through our
Client Portal, by credit card, etransfer, direct deposit and wire. All payment details are set out in each invoice.
It’s all the rage, we know.
We offer different types of services to employers. Our flagship flat fee service for employers is our Subscription Program.
We also have various free resources for our employer clients:
While many clients want the budget certainty of a monthly flat fee retainer, others prefer the traditional hourly billing model where we bill our hourly rate at 6-minute increments for work performed in your matter.
Whether flat fee or an hourly rate, we always provide a budget estimate at each major step of the matter, bill monthly, and keep our billing information transparently open to you on your secure and password protected client portal site.