Boss Law Bootcamp
Need to kickstart or radically update your Ontario HR law infrastructure and practices? The Boss Law Bootcamp is a comprehensive yet succinct online program to get you up to speed from hiring to managing to exiting employees. With frequent reference to remote and hybrid workplaces throughout the program, we will help you navigate new workplace legal norms.
The Bootcamp includes the up-to-date core HR law contracts and policies you must have in place today, plus bonus guides & checklists AND time with our employment lawyers to customize and help you with the how of implementing the legal infrastructure. We want this to be effortless and quick for you.
Loaded with many 5-minute how-to topic-specific videos along with 30 templates, checklists, guides, a live AMA session and 2 hours of 1:1 legal coaching, the Boss Law Bootcamp sets up both newer employers still sorting things out and established employers looking to update or build out their infrastructure.
Be sure to get a copy of our Free Employment Contract Checklist!
Who Should Join
- HR professionals looking for A-Z employment law training and legal resources
- US GCs and HR professionals needing to get up to speed quickly for your Ontario workplace subsidiaries & divisions
- Bosses! From law firm owners to YouTubers creators to not-for-profits founders, our back-to-basics videos and resources reach across all workplaces
Bootcamp Ingredients
The Boss Law Bootcamp includes 3 modules packed full of practical resources & pro tips for:
- Hiring
- Managing
- Exiting
How-To Videos
Each module contains a series of How-To Videos on topics such as accommodating candidates in interviews, key terms to include in your contracts, managing disabilities, calculating termination payments and legal strategies for elegant exits that minimize cost and disruptions in your workplace.
30 Legal Templates, Checklists & Guides
Each module also includes 11 legal templates, checklists and guides you need to update your legal infrastructure, confidently roll out enforceable contracts, create meaningful policies and practices, and ensure lower-risk, legally valid terminations.
1:1 Legal Services
The Boss Law Bootcamp is an online program designed for your busy day, to be accessed and viewed anytime 24/7. But we know you sometimes also need some 1:1 customized help to get your documents over the finish line. As a Bootcamper, you’ll get 2 hours of legal coaching with one of our awesome Ontario-qualified employment lawyers, to be used anytime within 6 months of signing up for the program.
Boss Law “Bootcampers” will be invited to attend an exclusive Ask Me Anything virtual session where they can ask our lawyer hosts or their fellow Bootcampers questions. Join our community of like-minded bosses!
The Boss Law Bootcamp is an incredible value that will build out your full HR Law infrastructure and know-how. Based on the feedback and most frequent pain points we’ve helped hundreds of Ontario employers work through, we have compiled all of the most relevant and useful legal templates, guides and checklists you need.
Combined with legal coaching and an AMA to help you customize and pull it all together, you will graduate with confidence, wisdom, all the tools and a bit of swagger as you level up your HR law infrastructure.
Whether in-person, hybrid or fully remote (like us!), this Bootcamp is the one-stop Ontario employment law resource toolkit you need today.
Be sure to get a copy of our Free Employment Contract Checklist!
The SpringLaw Team
Important Legal Disclaimers & Notes
This self-serve toolkit is developed and written by Ontario lawyers and contains information about Ontario workplace law. While this information will be good for almost anyone in Canada (other than Quebec) we thought you should know that these materials are Ontario-specific.
This self-serve toolkit is intended to provide general legal information that applies to many (but not all) situations. Purchasing, accessing and/or reading these materials do not create a solicitor-client relationship between you and our law firm and are not legal advice. It is legal information meant to be a helpful and cost-effective general guide to you as you navigate your workplace matters.
This is an area of the law that changes often. Please note this content is up to date as of the time of your purchase – these documents are all current as of August 2022. Please contact our office if you want to confirm if there have been any legal changes to the content since your purchase.
Is this a real client-lawyer relationship?
The love and gratitude is real but NO, this is not a formal client-lawyer relationship unless you formally sign up for legal services and we entered into a Legal Services Agreement. Buying materials through our website will not create a client-lawyer relationship. Until then, you are a valued & awesome customer (but not legal client) purchasing an informational product from our SpringLaw website. We are lawyers, all duly licensed and qualified to practice law in Ontario, should you wish to enter into a formal legal relationship down the road (we would love that!).
What happens if I also need legal services?
Contact us to learn more about our legal services. We can formally onboard you under law society rules and enter into a confidential client-lawyer relationship where we can dig into your specific situation and work with you one-on-one to solve your specific legal problem.
Can I share the Legal Docs with my colleagues or post them online?
Yes, please do share the Legal Docs internally in your business as much and as often as you like.
BUT, you are not permitted to share the documents outside of your organization or online. These materials are the sole property of SpringLaw and are intended for internal use by purchasing companies and under no condition can they be reproduced or embedded into a company’s own materials for sale or profit without our permission.
We have designed this toolkit to offer an affordable solution and we rely on users respecting the terms of the program. Broad circulation, particularly if posted online, will undermine our ability to continue to offer the products. Never hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this: