Special Bonus Holiday Blog! Hilary’s 2020 Favourites

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash
What a wild ride 2020 has been. Our offices are closed this week and our team is (hopefully) enjoying a well-deserved vacation. While most of our 2020 blogging has been Covid-19 related, and while much of our blogging does tend to revolve around legal updates, occasionally a “fun” employment topic makes its way onto the blog. For today’s post, I thought I’d pick out a few of my all-time (definitely non-Covid-19) favourite posts to revisit.
Dress Code Rules: What’s wrong with saying “no hot pants”?
This blog attracted a lot of eyeballs – thank you Google Analytics! Dress codes are one of the sneaky ways that employers often still discriminate. I know it’s been awhile since we’ve all been to a Jack Astors or a Hooters, but you should know that legally the female waitresses should be allowed to dress exactly like the men and vice versa.
How to go to the bathroom at work
This was my first post of 2020. I just really really liked the title. Also, it reveals some of the weird gaps in our employment legislation, which I think suggests that society still wants employers to act like people, not just robots who follow the law to the letter. Which reminds me of another favourite post from 2019 – Fired by a robot!
This one is a little bit Covid applicable – but has implications for any remote workers. I like this post because it raises interesting questions about what should be a developing area of law and because SpringLaw is virtual.
Happy New Year everyone!