Proposed new job posting requirements regarding AI disclosure
The Ontario government recently introduced Bill 149 – Working for Workers Four Act, 2023 which includes planned amendments to the rules regarding job postings in the Employment Standards Act. The planned amendments include a requirement that employers disclose the use of artificial intelligence (“AI”) in the hiring process. The specific language proposed for this amendment in Bill 149 is as follows:

Every employer who advertises a publicly advertised job posting and who uses artificial intelligence to screen, assess or select applicants for the position shall include in the posting a statement disclosing the use of the artificial intelligence. Regardless of whether or not the bill is passed, the suggested amendment is noteworthy simply for the fact that it’s early (at least in the employment law sphere) Canadian legislation regarding AI. It represents an acknowledgement of the potential risks for employees and employers that will need to continue to be assessed, and it has been prepared in line with the province’s stated priorities from its Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI) Framework (the “Framework”).