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SpringLaw’s contributions among top 10 First Reference blog posts in 2020

SpringLaw is a regular and long-time contributor to First Reference’s* blog First Reference Talks. We are very happy to be a member of this community of subject-matter experts and professionals, which aims to help small to medium-sized businesses stay abreast of news and discussions on Human Resources, Employment Law, Payroll and Internal Controls. 

In 2020, Covid-19 was, of course, top of mind for all employers and a topic we regularly wrote about for First Reference and our own SpringLaw blog followers.  We are thrilled to have two of our First Reference blog posts among their Top 10 most-read blog posts for 2020!


Back in May, as the province began to “reopen”, Hilary Page shared some key considerations for employers as their employees slowly returned to the workplace. This #7 post was followed by another well-read piece by Hilary (#8) in July, regarding the work from home expenses many employers had to account for as many employees continued to work from home. 

We look forward to continuing to contribute to the First Reference community in 2021.

* First Reference provides Canadian organizations of any size with practical and authoritative resources to help ensure compliance with payroll and employment law and to establish robust internal controls in the areas of human resources, accounting and finance, corporate governance, information technology, not for profit, and operations and marketing.

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