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Update on COVID-19 Layoff Provisions

COVID-19 Layoff ProvisionsThis past Monday marked the three-year anniversary of the date the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Since that fateful day in 2020, a lot has changed. Though there remain areas where transmission rates are still high, increased vaccination rates, higher immunity, and public health measures have helped curtail the spread of the virus and significantly decreased the rate of new infections in Canada. 

As a result, many provinces and territories are revoking laws that were amended or implemented as a result of the virus. For example, about a month ago, Alberta repealed the COVID-19 layoff provisions in its Employment Standards Code (the “ESC”). This followed a trend we saw with the federal government as well as many other provinces such as Ontario. 

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Waksdale Reviews Spark Joy

employment contracts Waksdale reviewA new year often means some level of house-cleaning by employers, including the updating of core workplace documents. SpringLaw has seen a spike in this work because many employers understand, now more than ever, the need to have their employment contracts reviewed, with a particular focus on termination provisions. This review should include any ancillary policies, Codes of Conduct, or plan documents referencing when and under what circumstances an immediate termination for cause can occur. We refer to this as a ‘Waksdale review’ because it is driven by the court’s reasoning in Waksdale v. Swegon North America. For legal nerds, our prior blog details why a Waksdale review is necessary.  

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A Fresh Year and a Fresh Look At Your Workplace Policies

Workplace policies:  A Fresh Year, A Fresh LookAh, the glow of a fresh new year! It’s human nature to use the holiday season and the start of the new year as a time for self-reflection. As Labour, Employment and Contracts lawyers, we can’t help but suggest you also bring this energy to your business and take a fresh look at your workplace policies.

There are many legally required workplace policies here in Ontario, each with legally required components. Beyond those that are legally required, you likely have or want some other workplace policies in place. Read on for a refresher on those legally required policies and tips and tricks for your review.  

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Selling, Closing, or Buying a Business? Consider Your Employment Law Liabilities! (Part 1)

Selling or Closing a BusinessSelling and Closing

In this post, we’ll explore a few key employment law considerations for business owners considering the sale or closure of their business. This will be followed by Part II, in which we will examine some of the employment-related legal issues that should be reviewed when purchasing a business. 

This post focuses on businesses with non-unionized workforces.  Unionized workplaces have their own distinct issues that must be addressed when buying or selling a business and a lawyer should be consulted regarding those as well.

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Accommodating Mental Health in the Workplace

Mental Health in the Workplace - Accommodating EmployeesWhen Mental Health Meets Canada’s Favourite Pastime

A human rights claim alleging discriminatory reasons for a termination is sure to get noticed this week as it intersects with Canada’s favourite pastime: hockey. A former video analyst for the Canucks, Rachel Doerrie, filed a claim alleging that she was told she wasn’t “mentally fit” for the job just days before being terminated by the organization. She is now seeking monetary compensation and asking the human rights tribunal to make orders that will address the discrimination.

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