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A Fresh Year and a Fresh Look At Your Workplace Policies

Workplace policies:  A Fresh Year, A Fresh LookAh, the glow of a fresh new year! It’s human nature to use the holiday season and the start of the new year as a time for self-reflection. As Labour, Employment and Contracts lawyers, we can’t help but suggest you also bring this energy to your business and take a fresh look at your workplace policies.

There are many legally required workplace policies here in Ontario, each with legally required components. Beyond those that are legally required, you likely have or want some other workplace policies in place. Read on for a refresher on those legally required policies and tips and tricks for your review.  

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Accommodating Mental Health in the Workplace

Mental Health in the Workplace - Accommodating EmployeesWhen Mental Health Meets Canada’s Favourite Pastime

A human rights claim alleging discriminatory reasons for a termination is sure to get noticed this week as it intersects with Canada’s favourite pastime: hockey. A former video analyst for the Canucks, Rachel Doerrie, filed a claim alleging that she was told she wasn’t “mentally fit” for the job just days before being terminated by the organization. She is now seeking monetary compensation and asking the human rights tribunal to make orders that will address the discrimination.

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Free webinar: Rewind & Review – 2022 Employment Law Recap

It has been another very busy year in the world of Employment Law with many significant changes to the workplace/workforce both legally and culturally.

Join SpringLaw’s Lisa Stam and Evaleen Hellinga for our December webinar as they walk you through a review of the year so that your business and HR team/person are well-prepared for 2023!

Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Time: 10:30-11:00 am EST
Register today: Click here!

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Free webinar: Remote, Hybrid & Nomad Workforce

We are in a new age of the remote, hybrid & nomad workforce. Employers must innovate and evolve how they manage their employees or face costly exits. The ongoing struggles in our labour shortage environment have continued to shift the balance of power. What are the legal and practical implications of your nomadic workforce? What employment standards apply and what are the legal risks?

Join SpringLaw’s Tiffany Thomas and Matt Chapman virtually (from wherever you are!) as they walk through the key considerations around your employees working remotely outside of your home province.

Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Time: 10:30-11:00 am EST
Register today: Click here!

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Employers: There’s no need to record employee termination meetings

recording employee termination meetingsAn employer recently asked whether it would be helpful for them to record a sensitive employee termination meeting and, more broadly, whether this is a recommended practice for routine terminations. In this particular case, the logistics of having a second person attend as a witness were tricky, and the employer was also looking to be more efficient by having only one person conduct the meeting.

In remote work environments, it’s easy to secretly record meetings.  In most cases, however, there is more to lose than gain by recording a meeting without the other person’s consent. Obtaining consent is of course always an option, but that usually changes the tone and content of any meeting, making the recording a less useful exercise.  

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Accommodating Long-Term Absences: Considerations for Employers

Accommodating Long-Term AbsencesHuman rights legislation across Canada protects employees from discrimination on the basis of disability and requires employers to accommodate employees with disabilities to the point of undue hardship. Long-term leaves of absence often leave employers wondering how to fulfil their duty to accommodate and at what point are they able to terminate an employee after an extended absence.

How Does an Employer Accommodate an Employee Who Can’t Work Due to Disability? 

When an employee requests a leave from work due to illness or injury with supporting documentation, employers generally start by providing the requested leave. Permitting the leave constitutes an accommodation. Generally, the initial leave is for a period of a few weeks or months depending on the medical professional’s recommendation. Following this initial accommodation, human rights adjudicators require an employer to actively engage with the employee to explore other potential accommodations. To do so, an employer should maintain reasonable contact with the employee to monitor their intention and ability to return to work and seek up-to-date information about the nature of the employee’s medical condition, restrictions and limitations, prognosis for recovery, and ability to perform alternative work. This process is ongoing and may last for several years. Employees must have the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the accommodation process. 

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