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An Open Dialogue: Black History Month

Black History Month: Equity Diversity and Inclusion in the WorkplaceEvery February, Canadians across the country celebrate the incredible achievements and honour the legacy of Black Canadians during Black History Month. The official theme of this year’s Black History Month is “Ours to tell”. This theme is all about engaging in an open dialogue and committing to learning more about the stories Black Canadians and Black communities have to tell about their histories, successes, sacrifices and triumphs. With a commitment to open dialogue in mind, let’s talk about creating an equitable, inclusive and safe workplace.

What do Equity, Diversity and Inclusion really mean?

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) are often talked about, but what do these words really mean when it comes to the workplace? By way of definition, diversity is about a workplace’s composition, inclusion ensures everyone has a voice and is heard, and equity is about making sure everyone has what they need to succeed. This does not mean employees are all treated equally. Employers need to be aware of disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized workers and ensure they have fair opportunities at work. 

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