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My Employee Was Charged with a Criminal Offence. What now?

My Employee Was Charged with a Criminal OffenceEmployers faced with an employee who has suddenly landed in jail are typically paralyzed with what the heck to do next. It’s easy to see how criminal and employment legal issues start to commingle in that case, but there are many other situations less dramatic where an employer needs to navigate through the tricky world of criminal law.  

And then add in a global pandemic where the courts are largely on pause. Here are some tips on how to handle a criminal law matter in your workplace.

1. Expect and Plan for Delays

Criminal matters often take longer than expected. The justice system is a process that moves at its own pace. As a result of COVID-19, Courts have largely put non-urgent criminal matters on hold. Jury trials have been suspended until the fall, and Judge alone trials are on hold until at least July.

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Welcome Jessyca Greenwood to the SpringLaw team

SpringLaw is super excited to share that Jessyca Greenwood has joined our team!  Jessyca brings with her over a decade of experience as a trial lawyer with a focus on criminal law, professional misconduct, mental health advocacy, and the complex way these areas intersect with the workplace. Jessyca’s skills as a fierce advocate will fuel our expanding litigation practice. Through her busy practice, she brings a deep knowledge of the impact mental health has on…

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