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Welcome Flora Vineberg and Lindsay Koruna!

We are thrilled to introduce two new members of the SpringLaw team- Flora Vineberg and Lindsay Koruna!

Flora Vineberg – Employment, Sexual Assault & Investigations Lawyer

Flora Vineberg joins SpringLaw

Photo by Jason Raposo

Flora is a formidable advocate specializing in labour and employment law, with a specific focus on sexual assault, harassment and human rights litigation, and workplace investigations. She recognizes the value of a healthy and productive workforce, and works alongside both employees and employers to achieve positive, sustainable legal outcomes predicated on trust and professionalism.

With a focus on gender-based violence, Flora has worked at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, received training in The Hague to conduct international criminal investigations, and is currently also an Investigator with the province’s Special Investigations Unit. Flora has volunteered for and participated in myriad forms of community-based advocacy including the Toronto Police Services Sexual Assault Advisory Committee, and the Missing and Missed Implementation Task Force as part of the LGBTQ community. Flora regularly writes and speaks publicly regarding all aspects of sexual assault, centering a feminist approach to legal advocacy and an enduring commitment to building client trust.

Flora’s diverse experience and expertise will enable SpringLaw to expand the scope of our services to both our employer and employee clients, as well as victims of sexual assault. Employing a client-centered and trauma-informed approach, Flora’s background in both criminal and civil law enables her to represent clients from all walks of life with compassion, tenacity and focus. In turn, she uses these skills to provide informed and thoughtful legal advice, while incorporating strategic or creative solutions to myriad workplace and human rights-based issues.

Outside the office Flora loves the outdoors, playing ice hockey, spending time with any/all animals including her rescue dog, playing music, and sharing meals with loved ones.

Lindsay Koruna – Paralegal

Lindsay Koruna joins SpringLaw

Photo by Jason Raposo

Lindsay is a licensed paralegal with a background in criminal law and sexual assault and personal injury civil litigation. She works compassionately with both employer and employee clients while maintaining a professional and legal lens for various legal issues.  

Lindsay started her legal career in 2015 as a paralegal working in a firm that specializes in criminal defence. She then joined a boutique firm that practices personal injury civil litigation with a focus on sexual assault cases. 

Through her work with high-risk cases and vulnerable clients, Lindsay has become a strong advocate for law to be accessible, easily explained and, more importantly, understood.

We are thrilled to have Lindsay joining us and know that she will provide both our clients and our legal team with exceptional support and services. She brings compassion, understanding and a client-centered approach to the legal process, and strives to make what may seem like an intimidating legal process as easy as possible for our employer and employee clients. 

Outside of work, as a Toronto local, Lindsay is very passionate about supporting local and small business, whether that be through food, drink, or activities. If there is live music in the city, you can bet Lindsay will be there. 

We are so thrilled to have them joining us.  Welcome to SpringLaw Flora and Lindsay!

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