SpringLaw is Turning 5 & Giving Back
SpringLaw Turns 5 Years Old Today!
In law firm years, that means we are past the start-up phase and into the expansion and enhancement of client experience stage. We continue to build out our behind-the-scenes automation and tech-driven services to bring efficiency to files, so that we can focus on 1:1 communications with our clients.
5 Years of Virtual Counsel & Efficient Client-Centred Services
Little did we know 5 years ago how much being entirely virtual, paperless and focusing on cloud-based, online collaborative communications would come in handy during a global pandemic. Over the last 2 years, it’s been fantastic to see so many law firms, clients, adjudicative bodies and our justice system generally dig in and figure out how to communicate virtually.
This remains a core access to justice priority, so that we’re not dragging both vulnerable parties as well as busy business clients to in-person scheduling meetings, status update appointments and the myriad of other legal proceedings that should have been an email or Doodle link ages ago.
Video calls and online collaboration enhance personal interaction with opposing counsel, clients and the world at large, without driving up the costs and having the hassle of commuting to everyone’s office. Yes, there are lots of imperfections to still iron out, but it’s truly amazing how far the world has changed since we started up 5 years ago.
We are grateful for the amazing clients we get to work for and with, the support and kindness of our legal community and the privilege of helping people each day.
It’s time for us to give back.
Our New Working with Vulnerable Clients eBook
We often work with vulnerable clients. People who are traumatized because of violence in or out of the workplace, have faced a criminal act outside of work, have suffered a mental health issue impacting their everyday life, have a cognitive disability, or simply lack the financial, social support to advocate for themselves. So often, the employee in front of us is dealing with a mountain of challenges outside the workplace.
We are proud to be launching our new eBook, Working with Vulnerable Clients. All proceeds of this publication will go to the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic (BSCC), a pillar in our legal community that offers legal services to women who have experienced violence. If you are unfamiliar with the important work the BSCC does, please visit their website.
Working with vulnerable clients involves developing a skillset not taught in school. This eBook was authored by Jessyca Greenwood, our Crimployment practice lead, who has years of experience working with vulnerable clients. Our eBook provides an outline of best practices for professionals, in particular Counsel, working with clients with diminished capacity who may require additional resources and assistance.
There are ethical, professional, and strategic considerations involved in acting for a vulnerable person or those with mental health issues. Interviewing styles and the types of questions contained in this eBook will assist professionals to conduct interviews with their clients and provide strategies to ensure the client’s voice is meaningfully heard and accurately captured in the process.
Advocates and Counsel may be the only person that provides the client with the opportunity to have a voice and express their wishes in their interaction with the Justice System. This makes Counsel’s role incredibly vital and impactful. This eBook also provides resources for cultural competence and cultural safety.
Click here if you would like to learn more about Working with Vulnerable Clients. Not only will you learn about the array of considerations and approaches to take with vulnerable clients, but you will also be supporting the BSCC.
It Takes a Village to Raise a Firm!
Thank you to all of our clients, friends, families and colleagues for our first 5 years. I personally want to also thank our amazing, warm, funny and feisty team: Amanda, Danielle, Emily, Gaya, Hilary, Jessica, Jessyca, Lindsay, Marnie and the past team members who helped us build along the way. I’m a very lucky soul to work with this crew every day. This has been a team effort throughout.
Here’s to many more years together!